The ASCI Professional Accreditation Scheme


ASCI's Professional Accreditation Scheme was developed as key component of the ASCI Vision towards "Professionalising Supply Chain Management". The scheme is unique not only in Australasia, but globally. It complies with the guidelines for professions set by the Australian Professional Standards Authority (PSA), the authority that oversees several legislated professions.

The scheme provides individuals with the opportunity to register in a number of Supply Chain related streams. Registration under this scheme provides independent and objective professional recognition of competence through the confirmation and acknowledgement to the individual and by implication, to the industry, of his/her career achievements against an industry accepted, globally aligned set of standards, on par with other professional disciplines in industry.

Assessment of your eligibility to register, is a rigorous review of your “Relevancy of Practice”. This includes work experience on several levels (Operational, Management and Executive), Professional Certifications and Tertiary Qualifications, these all to be relevant to the stream of registration that you pursue.

To maintain the integrity of the process, you are required to provide absolute compliance of registration requirements. All documentation that you submit as evidence of your relevance of practice, must be certified by a Justice of Peace, as true copies of the original documents ahead of scanning and uploading for submission. Resumés should be affidavit supported with full contact details, against each position that you have held, the latter for our records and audit purposes.

There are three levels of Registration:

Registration as Associate

An associate is the entry-level for professional registration in a particular stream. An associate will have a basic understanding of the technical and procedural requirements to work productively in their chosen stream. They will know the applicable organisational policies, industry standards and regulations. Typically, an associate will work under the supervision of a more senior and experienced practitioner in the field. 

An associate will have some post-secondary school qualification or at least four years of relevant experience. 

Registration as Practitioner

A practitioner will thoroughly understand a particular stream's technical and procedural requirements. A practitioner can work independently to complete complex tasks and achieve desired organisational outcomes. They will have a sound understanding of and will apply applicable organisational policies, industry standards and regulations.

A practitioner typically has some advanced post-secondary qualification and at least four years of relevant experience.

Registration as Advanced Practitioner*

An advanced practitioner will have advanced technical and procedural knowledge of their registration stream. An advanced practitioner can undertake leadership roles in a technical or operational capacity. They can influence or author organisational policies, industry standards and regulations. 

An advanced practitioner typically has advanced qualifications and at least 15 years of relevant experience.

* Available in 2025.

Streams of Registration

Fully aligned with the five Professional Knowledge Communities (ASCI Connect), individuals may register in any of five streams. 

As registered Practitioners, you will be eligible to serve on the Community Council of the Community in the stream that you are registered.

For more information on registration,  click Registration Information.

Visit the Public Register to view the registration status of the registrants under the scheme.

Registration is $375 per annum for Practitioners and $275 per annum for Associates and include ASCI membership benefits for Continued Professional Development to support your registration. These fees are applied after successful eligibility assessment and are non-refundable nor transferable.

Current ASCI members may apply for registration eligibility assessment without any additional costs.