The ASCI Code of Ethics

The Australasian Supply Chain Institute (ASCI) facilitates and enables the development and professionalism in the Australasian Supply Chain Industries.

As a Professional Accreditation Body, ASCI must guide its stakeholders and members (Members) on the standards of behaviour and ethical conduct concerning membership in ASCI.  Members must comply with the Code of Ethics (the Code) prescribed by ASCI to uphold the integrity of the profession, the industry, and ASCI.

Professional standing requires a level of conduct that adds value to the organisations that employ our services and the society we serve.  The global dimensions of the supply chain industry create the potential situation where the practices in one jurisdiction may not be accepted or recognised in another.  If a member cannot resolve an ethical issue under the Code, the member should seek legal advice as to any legal rights and obligations the member may have.

The expectations of society for professional behaviour and conduct evolve as collective values change.  Members should be guided not only by the terms of the Code but by the implicit expectations of conduct becoming a professional.

One of the means for professionals to support a strong ethical commitment is to continue to adopt best practices in the supply management field.  It is incumbent upon ASCI Registered Members to maintain their credentials to sustain the trust and confidence placed on them by others to represent their interests.

The professional conduct of an individual member is important as that conduct reflects on ASCI, its stakeholders, and all members.  As business issues change, ASCI will amend the Code where it is deemed appropriate to reflect the highest standards of professional conduct.  ASCI has committed to ensuring that the Code is reviewed every five (5) years.

Purpose of the Code of Ethics

This ASCI Code of Ethics sets out what the clients, employers and sponsors can expect from an ASCI Member when employed, engaged, trained, or supervised within the supply chain industry.
All members of ASCI accept the principles and aims of the ASCI Code of Ethics.  ASCI has a process by which breaches of the ASCI Code of Ethics by a member can be reported and investigated.  This process is contained in a document named: “ASCI Complaints and Disciplinary System”.
When engaged in a role related to the supply chain industry, all Registered Members will make their employers, clients, and sponsoring organisations aware, at the engagement/contracting stage, of the existence of and their commitment to the ASCI Code of Ethics.

Standards of Conduct

Members will conduct themselves in a manner that a reasonable and informed third party would conclude as being appropriate to a professional in the supply chain industry.

Professional Conduct Statement

In support of the ASCI Standards of Conduct, all Members that apply for registration under the ASCI Professional Accreditation Scheme will be required to submit a “Professional Conduct Statement”, see Paragraph 8 below. This is also a requirement for the renewal of registration.

Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest

Members should exercise professional judgment and discretion to avoid any potential or actual conflict of interest when performing their duties.  Should a conflict of interest arise, the Member is required to disclose their interests to ASCI and other impacted parties as soon as possible.  Members should consider removing themselves from any decisions in which they have a conflict of interest until express direction from the appropriate authority is obtained.

Protection of Confidential or Sensitive Information

Where a member has been privy to confidential or sensitive information, it is their responsibility to ensure that it remains confidential.  Such information must not be used for any personal gain or advantage.  Information given during a member’s professional activity should be forthright and not intended to mislead or deceive others.

Business Relationships

Members should maintain relationships with suppliers and third parties that contribute to and promote fair competition in the market and protect the interests and reputation of their employer.  Members should not use their position to garner personal favours or advantages.

Gifts, Gratuities and Hospitality Inducements

Members must ensure that the objectivity of their decisions is not compromised or unduly influenced by the acceptance of gifts, gratuities, or hospitalities of any kind.  Members should be discerning in their business and social relationships and activities and seek to enhance the profession's integrity through them.

Environmental and Social Responsibilities

Members shall exercise their responsibilities in a manner that promotes and provides opportunities for protecting and preserving the environment.  Members shall favour the use and distribution of resources efficiently, effectively, and ethically.  Members will also be cognisant of the social rights extended to all people, including any relevant legislation or international conventions concerning labour standards, and will encourage and support supplier diversity.  These sustainability attributes should guide members in their decisions and in implementing the policies and values of the organisations they represent.

Professional Principles

Members will perform their roles and duties based on the following principles of professional practice:

Professional Competency

To maintain their professional competency by staying informed of, and complying with, the best supply chain industry practices to retain their professional certification in good standing.


To provide professional advice to their employer or any other impacted party to the best of their knowledge, recognising that any final decision is the prerogative of the senior authority within the employing organisation; to act with courtesy and due consideration in dealings with other professional members and all business relationships.

Honesty and Integrity

To maintain an unimpeachable standard of integrity and honesty in all their business relationships inside and outside the organisations in which they are employed.

Responsible Management

To optimise, without prejudice, the use of resources for which they are responsible for providing the maximum value defined by the organisations they represent.

Serving the Public Good

To use their position to advance the interests and well-being of society; to denounce all forms of business practice which may compromise value or bring discredit to the organisation and society.

Compliance with Legal Obligations

To be aware of and comply with:

  1. all laws, regulations, by-laws, and standards that are relevant to supply chain industry practices, including but not limited to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and Consumer and Competition Act 2010 (Cth);
  2. the ASCI Members’ Terms and Conditions, ASCI’s constitution, and other governing documentation; and
  3. all contractual obligations that apply to the Member concerning their involvement in the supply chain industry; 
  4. any reasonable directions provided by ASCI concerning the performance of the Member’s duties within the scope of their involvement in the Supply Chain Industry
  5. any industry guides published by ASCI from time to time, including competition law compliance guidelines, for example.

ASCI Members must not engage in, condone, or attempt any act prohibited by law.

Member Compliance

For the Code of Ethics to be effective, ASCI and all its Members must be committed to strong governance and compliance procedures.  The professional conduct of an individual member is important as that conduct reflects on all Members.


When in doubt about the interpretation of the Code of Ethics, Members should refer to the ASCI Ethics Review Panel or other formal review structure as established within the policies/procedures of ASCI.  For clarity, this review structure will be referred to as simply the ASCI Ethics Review Panel for the balance of this document.

Disciplinary Action

A Member shall be subject to disciplinary action through the ASCI Complaints and Disciplinary System.

Membership obtained through misrepresentation

  1. a Member shall not obtain admission to ASCI Membership through misrepresentation or other irregularity
  2. a Member shall not misrepresent his or her professional designations or education credentials; and
  3. a Member shall notify ASCI through the ASCI Complaints and Disciplinary System immediately should they know a person who has obtained membership through fraud or other irregularity.

Admission to Membership

A Member shall report to the ASCI Complaints and Disciplinary System any fact known to that Member sufficient to affect the admittance of any person whose admission, readmission, or reinstatement may be detrimental to ASCI.

Damaging Actions

  1. a Member shall not knowingly participate in any activity that is damaging to his or her ability to perform his or her professional duties and responsibilities or to ASCI or the profession; and
  2. a Member shall report to the ASCI any situation in which the Member has sufficient personal knowledge and thinks may be damaging to ASCI or the profession.

Evidence of Professional Misconduct

A Member who has been found guilty of any criminal or similar offence which may cast doubt as to that Member’s honesty, integrity or professional competence, or has been expelled/suspended from membership in another professional association, shall promptly inform the ASCI Ethics Review Panel of the conviction, expulsion or suspension, finding of guilt or discharge, as the case may be, when any right of appeal has been exhausted or expired for ASCI to assess whether there is a concern related to the Code. A certificate of conviction by any competent court shall be sufficient evidence of the conviction and the perpetration of the offence.

Criminal or similar offences include, but are not limited to, the following offences:

  1. fraud, theft, or forgery
  2. violation of the provisions of any provincial or federal supply chain industry legislation; or
  3. any criminal or similar offence for conduct in, or related to, the Member’s professional capacity or for conduct in circumstances where there was reliance on his or her membership in his or her Institution or Corporation.

The Requirement to Reply in Writing

A Member shall reply promptly in writing to any request from ASCI in which a written reply is specifically required on matters about the Code.

Assistance to the Board

A Member shall comply with a request of ASCI in the exercise of its obligations in matters relating to the Code of Ethics and, when required, produce any documents in the Member’s possession, custody or control unless there are lawful reasons not to produce such documents, for example, legal privilege.