S&OP 2-Day Course

Sales & Operations Planning 2-Day Course


Sales & Operations Planning Producing Real Business Benefits



In this workshop, you will find out how to:

  • GUIDE your company to lower inventories and shorter lead times with higher customer service levels through a better S&OP process
  • USE a cross-functional S&OP/IBP process to IMPROVE:
  • Customer service, inventory & profits
  • Overall company communication on future plans
  • Product Portfolio Management Improvement
  • Product & Business Rationalisation
  • Inventory reduction



This is a workshop for practitioners who need to understand the Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)/Integrated Business Planning (IBP) methodology and how it relates to associated underpinning operational planning & control processes, as well as the higher-level planning processes.

It explains how those responsible for S&OP can adopt these principles to manage businesses more effectively. S&OP is a structured communication process that provides a practical, proven and highly effective way of strategically linking sales & marketing to supply & operations, finance & budgets, new product development & product rationalisation, and a clear approach to inventory management. To achieve a competitive advantage, customer focused demand plans must be integrated with the supply side of the business, with detailed plans linked to aggregate ones. S&OP is common sense. It’s making it happen that is hard.

The S&OP process outlined in this workshop provides the knowledge to ensure sale, operations, and inventories are aligned and that plans are measured to enable continuous improvement. Delegates will also receive 2 of the most recent books on S&OP, and Roles & Responsibilities associated with the 5 Steps. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This workshop is suitable for anyone involved in the S&OP process: Production Managers Planning Managers Inventory Managers Purchasing Managers IT Managers Project Team Leaders Finance Managers Forecasting Managers Supply Chain Managers Distribution Managers Government Department Heads

Course Dates & Duration

6 - 7 Feb 2024

Classes are conducted daily, 9 am to 5 pm Sydney Time, totaling 16 training hours. Participants can either join the training at Burrinja Cultural Centre (Wurundjeri Country. 351 Glenfern Road Upwey Victoria 3158) or via ZOOM.


ASCI Member: $1,950
Non Member: $2,350



  • The basic “left to right” S&OP approach
  • Development of S&OP
  • Linking volume & mix
  • A total integrated planning & control methodology
  • The 5 Steps explained
  • Step 1 – Data gathering & review
  • Step 2 – Demand planning
  • Step 3 – Operations planning
  • Step 4 – Integrated reconciliation
  • Step 5 – The executive review
  • Our First S&OP meeting!
  • Top management role
  • Sales & marketing roles
  • Simplifying the sales forecasting process
  • Manufacturing’s role
  • The key role of planning  


  • Different environments
  • Order fulfilment strategies
  • Different S&OP displays for MTS, MTO & ATO environments
  • S&OP integration with continuous improvement
  • Integration with Finance
  • The implementation process
  • Measure the right things, then what gets measured gets improved
  • “Class A” Scoreboard
  • Other key measures – Corporate & sales forecast measures
  • Implementation Do’s
  • 8 Implementation Don’ts
  • What happens if you keep doing the same things?
  • Senior Management commitment versus involvement
  • What is your ambition?
  • The 7 Keys of S&OP
  • Breakthrough S&OP
  • Right to Left S&OP – A new approach?
  • Roles & responsibilities
6/02/2024 9:00 AM - 7/02/2024 5:00 PM
AUS Eastern Summer Time
Burrinja Cultural Centre Wurundjeri Country 351 Glenfern Road Upwey, VIC 3158 AUSTRALIA
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