Demand Driven Training - DDP

Demand Driven Training - DDP

The Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDPP) is a professional endorsement certification offered by the Demand Driven Institute, the global authority for Demand Driven education, training, certification and compliance. The DDPP is earned by an individual who can apply the demand driven concepts, analyse an environment and evaluate an environment using the Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP) methodology. An individual achieves DDPP endorsement by successfully completing a rigorous test. Upon successful completion of the test an endorsement certificate will be issued and the individual may begin using DDPP in their professional title.

Course Dates & Duration

Participants must attend all 6 sessions to complete the course.

3pm - 7pm on 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 16th October 2023


ASCI Member: $1,350
Non Member: $1,750

The sessions covered in this course include:

1. DDMRP Positioning 

  • Positioning Factors
  • Decoupled Lead Time
  • Advanced Positioning

2. Buffer Profiles and Levels

  • Buffer Profile and Part Inputs
  • Buffer Calculation
  • Buffer Projections

3. Dynamic Adjustments

  • Recalculated Adjustments
  • Planned Adjustments
  • Other Adjustments

4. Demand Driven Planning

  • Net Flow Equation
  • Decoupled Explosion
  • Prioritised Share

5. Demand Driven Execution

  • Buffer Status Alerts
  • Synchronization Alerts

6. DDMRP Analytics

  • Buffer Variance Analysis
  • DDS&OP Projections
9/10/2023 3:00 PM - 16/10/2023 7:00 PM
AUS Eastern Summer Time
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