Pieter Nagel’s tips for addressing ASCI’s Supply Chain challenges

Any unanticipated event that disrupts the normal flow of materials and goods in the supply chain is a supply chain risk. The volatility in the market, changing consumer demand, material shortages and industry uncertainties are some of the few challenges the sector is facing.

These risks can have a negative impact on shareholder wealth and a company’s long-term financial performance when viewed over a longer period and can hurt both big and small businesses in this industry.

To help industry practitioners in mitigating these risks, Supply Chain Channel reached out to Pieter Nagel of the Australian Supply Chain Institute to discuss the risks and difficulties that they are currently facing and offers insights on how they can be dealt with effectively. Pieter has spent over 30 years in Logistics and is an established global authority in Supply Chain Strategy. In his career. Pieter endeavoured to advance the logistics profession and achieve a dynamic balance between corporate, consulting and academic positions.

Check out the latest Featured Leader interview with ASCI’s Chief Operating Officer Pieter Nagel as he shares his thoughts on the supply chain management challenges.